# Skript Tamamen OMEGASHARK Tarafından Yapılmıştır!
# İzinsiz Paylaşmak Yasaktır!
# Designed & Coded & Made By OMEGASHARK
# İyi Oyunlar!

    {kuralihlali.%player%} = 0
    {sayginlik.%player%} = 0
    {coin.%player%} = 0
    {saygi.%player%} = 0

on first join:
    if {kuralihlali.%player%} isn't set:
        set {kuralihlali.%player%} to 0
        set {sayginlik.%player%} to 0
        set {coin.%player%} to 0
        set {saygi.%player%} to 0

command /help:
        send "&d&lOmega&b&lSecure &8• &cYasaklı komut kullandınız!" to player

command /pl:
    aliases: plugins, pluginler
        send "&d&lOmega&b&lSecure &8• &cYasaklı komut kullandınız!" to player

command /yardım:
    aliases: yardim,komutlar
        play raw sound "random.levelup" at player with pitch 1 volume 1
        open virtual chest with size 3 named "&d&lWine&b&lNetwork" to player
        make gui slot 0 and 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and 5 and 6 and 7 and 8 and 9 and 10 and 12 and 14 and 16 and 17 and 18 and 19 and 20 and 21 and 22 and 23 and 24 and 25 and 26 of player with air to do nothing
        make gui slot 13 of player with grass named "&aPlot (Arsa)" with lore "&8/p auto: &7rastgele arsa almaya yarar.||&8/p claim: &7üstünde durduğunuz arsayı alır.||&8/p invite: &7arsanıza kişiyi davet eder." to close
        make gui slot 11 of player with obsidian named "&aFaction (Klan)" with lore "&8/f create: &7klan kurmaya yarar.||&8/f join: &7davet edildiğiniz klana katılır.||&8/f invite: &7kişiyi klanınıza davet edersiniz.||&8/f help: &7klan komutları hakkında komutları gösterir.||&8/f leader: &7klanınızı kişiye devredersiniz.||&8/f moderator: &7kişiyi klanın moderatörü yaparsınız." to close
        make gui slot 15 of player with diamond block named "&aRank Sistemi (Rütbe)" with lore "&8/rankup: &7rütbe atlamaya yarar.||&8/ranks: &7rütbeleri görüntüler." to close

command /şikayet [<player>] [<text>]:
    aliases: report,sikayet,rapor
        if arg 1 is not set:
            send "&d&lOmega&b&lSecure &8• &cGirdiğiniz komut yanlış girildi! Doğru kullanım: &7/şikayet <isim> <sebep>" to player
        if arg 2 is not set:
            send "&d&lOmega&b&lSecure &8• &cGirdiğiniz komut yanlış girildi! Doğru kullanım: &7/şikayet <isim> <sebep>" to player
        if arg 1 is the player:
            send "&d&lOmega&b&lSecure &8• &cKendinizi Şikayet Edemezsiniz!" to player
        if arg 2 contains  ".net" or ".com" or "keyubu" or "192.168." or "batihost" or "nitrado" or "org":
            send "&d&lOmega&b&lSecure &8• &cGirdiğiniz sebepte yasaklanan bir kelime var! Lütfen küfürsüz/reklamsız şekilde sebep girin." to player
            send "" to player
            send "&d&lOmega&b&lSecure&8• &7Sunucumuzda &ckural ihlalinden dolayı &7uyarıldınız. Lütfen komut olsa bile &cküfür/reklam &7yazmayınız. &bSunucumuz yüksek seviye koruma ile korunmaktadır. &7Lütfen birdaha tekrarlamayınız." to player
            add 1 to {kuralihlali.%player%}
        if arg 1 is set:
            if arg 2 is set:
                send "&d&lOmega&b&lSecure&8• &7Başarıyla &c%arg 1% &7adlı oyuncuyu &c%arg 2% &7sebebiyle şikayet ettiniz." to player
                loop all players:
                    if loop-player has permission "sk.admin":
                        send "&d&lWine&b&lNetwork &8• &c%player% &7Adlı oyuncu &c%arg 1% &7adlı kişiyi &c%arg 2% &7sebebiyle şikayet etti." to loop-player

command /profil:
        play raw sound "random.pop" at player with pitch 1 volume 2
        open virtual chest with size 3 named "&d&lWine&b&lNetwork" to player
        make gui slot 13 of player with player's skull named "&7%player%" with lore "&7Kural İhlalleri: &c%{kuralihlali.%player%}% &8(Limit 3)||&7Saygınlık: &b%{sayginlik.%player%}%||&7Gösterdiğiniz Saygı: %{saygi.%player%}%||&7Para: &a%balance of player%||&6Coin: &e%{coin.%player%}%" to close

command /ihlal:
    aliases: kuralihlal,kuralihlali,ihlaller,ihlalsayi,ihlalsayı,ihlallerim
        set {soru::%player%} to true
        send "&7İhlal Menüsünü Açmak İstediğinizden" to player
        send "        &7Emin misiniz?" to player
        send "           &7[&aE&7] [&cH&7]" to player

on chat:
    if {soru::%player%} is true:
        if message is "E" or "Evet":
            cancel event
            set {soru::%player%} to false
            send "&aBaşarıyla işlemi kabul ettiniz! Menü açılıyor.." to player
            open virtual chest with size 3 named "&d&lWine&b&lNetwork" to player
            make gui slot 0 and 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and 5 and 6 and 7 and 8 and 9 and 10 and 12 and 14 and 16 and 17 and 18 and 19 and 20 and 21 and 22 and 23 and 24 and 25 and 26 of player with air to do nothing
            make gui slot 11 of player with glowing book named "&cKural İhlali Nedir?" with lore "&7Sunucumuzun bir kaç kuralı vardır.||&7Ve bu kurallar çiğnenirse kural ihlali işlemiş olursunuz.||&7Kural ihlali işlerseniz ihlal hesabınıza işlenir.||&7Kural ihlalinin bir sınırı vardır ve bu sınır 3'idir.||&7Eğer kural ihlalini aşarsanız 1 gün ban yersiniz.||&7Eğer kural ihlalini aşmaya devam ederseniz sınırsız ban'a kadar gidebilir.||&7Kurallarımızı okumayı unutmayın! &8=> &c/kurallar" to close
            make gui slot 13 of player with glowing book named "&cKural İhlalini Nasıl Sıfırlarım?" with lore "&7Bir oyuncunun kural ihlalini sıfırlamasının imkani yoktur.||&7Fakat eğer oyuncu bir yetkili ile iletişime geçerse, bir kaç gün içinde sıfırlanma şansı olabilir.||&7Yetkililerimiz ilk önce önceki yaptığınız davranışlara göz atar.||&7Eğer haksızsanız ve gerçekten kural çiğnemiş iseniz ihlalleriniz sıfırlanmaz.||&7Eğer haklıysanız yetkililerimiz en kısa sürede ihlallerinizi sıfırlayacaktır." to close
            make gui slot 15 of player with glowing book named "&cKural İhlallerimi Nerden Görebilirim?" with lore "&7Sunucumuzda kural ihlalleri ya da diğer bilgilerin hepsi &c/profil&7'inize kayıt olur.||&7Ve bu bilgiler yetkililerin yaptığı işlem dışında asla ama asla sıfırlanmaz.||&7Kurallarımızı okumayı unutmayınız! &8=> &c/kurallar" to close
        if message is "H" or "Hayır":
            cancel event
            send "&cİşlem iptal edildi." to player
            set {soru} to false
        if message is not "H" or "Hayır" or "E" or "Evet":
            cancel event
            set {soru} to false
            send "&cBöyle bir seçenek bulunamadı. İşlem iptal edildi." to player

command /ihlalsifirla [<player>]:
    permission: sk.admin
    permission message: &d&lOmega&b&lSecure &8• &cYetkiniz yeterli değil!
        if arg 1 is not set:
            send "&d&lOmega&b&lSecure &8• &7Yanlış komut girildi! Lütfen isim belirtiniz." to player
        if arg 1 is the player:
            if player has the permission "sk.ihlaladmin":
                send "&d&lOmega&b&lSecure &8• &7Başarıyla ihlallerinizi sıfırladınız!" to player
                set {kuralihlali.%player%} to 0
            if player does not have permission "sk.ihlaladmin":
                send "&d&lOmega&b&lSecure &8• &7Kendi ihlallerinizi sıfırlayamazsınız! Sadece kurucu yapabilir." to player
        if arg 1 is set:
            send "&d&lOmega&b&lSecure &8• &7Başarıyla &c%arg 1% &7adlı oyuncunun ihlalleri sıfırlandı." to player
            set {kuralihlali.%player%} to 0
            set {sayginlik.%player%} to 0
            set {coin.%player%} to 0

command /saygı [<player>]:
    aliases: saygi,respect,rep,resp
        if arg 1 is not set:
            send "&d&lOmega&b&lSecure &8• &7Komut yanlış girildi! Lütfen bir isim belirtiniz." to player
        if arg 1 is the player:
            send "&d&lOmega&b&lSecure &8• &7Kendinize saygı gösteremezsiniz!" to player
        if arg 1 is set:
            if {saygi.%player%} is bigger than or equal to 3:
                send "&d&lOmega&b&lSecure &8• &aMaximum 3 kişiye saygı gösterebilirsiniz!" to player
                send "&d&lOmega&b&lSecure &8• &a%arg 1% &badlı kişiye saygı gösterdiniz." to player
                send "&d&lOmega&b&lSecure &8• &a%player% &badlı kişi size saygı gösterdi." to arg 1
                add 1 to {saygi.%player%}
                add 1 to {sayginlik.%arg 1%}

command /saygısıfırla [<player>]:
    aliases: saygisifirla,saygisıfırla,respectreset,resetrespect,represet,resetrep,respreset,resetresp
    permission: sk.admin
    permission message: &d&lOmega&b&lSecure &8• &cYetkiniz yeterli değil!
        if arg 1 is not set:
            send "&d&lOmega&b&lSecure &8• &cYanlış komut girdiniz! Lütfen bir isim belirtiniz." to player
        if arg 1 is set:
            loop all players:
                if loop-player has permission "sk.admin":
                    send "&d&lOmega&b&lSecure &8• &7Kendi saygı göstermelerinizi sıfırladınız." to player
                    send "&d&lOmega&b&lSecure &8• &c%arg 1% &7Adlı oyuncunun saygı göstermelerini sıfırladınız." to player
                    set {saygi.%arg 1%} to 0
                    send "&d&lOmega&b&lSecure &8• &7Bir yetkili saygı göstermelerinizi sıfırladı." to arg 1

command /saygınlıksıfırla [<player>]:
    aliases: sayginliksifirla,sayginliksıfırla
    permission: sk.admin
    permission message: &d&lOmega&b&lSecure &8• &cYetkiniz yeterli değil!
        if arg 1 is not set:
            send "&d&lOmega&b&lSecure &8• &cYanlış komut girdiniz! Lütfen bir isim belirtiniz." to player
        if arg 1 is set:
            loop all players:
                if loop-player has permission "sk.admin":
                    send "&d&lOmega&b&lSecure &8• &7Kendi saygınlığınızı sıfırladınız." to player
                    send "&d&lOmega&b&lSecure &8• &c%arg 1% &7Adlı oyuncunun saygınlığını sıfırladınız." to player
                    set {sayginlik.%arg 1%} to 0
                    send "&d&lOmega&b&lSecure &8• &7Bir yetkili saygınlığınızı sıfırladı." to arg 1

command /sohbet [<text>]:
    aliases: chat,sohbeti
    permission: sk.admin
    permission message: &d&lWine&b&lNetwork &8• &cYetkiniz yeterli değil!
        if arg 1 is not set:
            send "&d&lOmega&b&lSecure &8• &7Komut yanlış girildi! Lütfen bir isim belirtiniz." to player
        if arg 1 is "ac" or "aç":
            if {chat.kapat} is true:
                set {chat.ac} to true
                broadcast "&d&lOmega&b&lSecure &8• &eSohbet Yetkili Tarafından Aktifleştirdi!"
                set {chat.kapat} to false
            if {chat.kapat} is not true:
                send "&d&lOmega&b&lSecure &8• &eChat zaten aktif." to player
        if arg 1 is "kapat":
            set {chat.ac} to false
            set {chat.kapat} to true

on chat:
    if {chat.ac} is true:
        set {chat.kapat} to false
    if {chat.kapat} is true:
        cancel event
        send "&d&lOmega&b&lSecure &8• &7Sohbet şuanda yetkili tarafından kapatılmış durumda." to player

command /coin:
        open virtual chest with size 5 named "&d&lWine&6&lCoin" to player
        make gui slot 0 and 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and 5 and 6 and 7 and 8 and 9 and 10 and 11 and 12 and 14 and 15 and 16 and 17 and 18 and 19 and 21 and 22 and 23 and 25 and 26 and 27 and 28 and 29 and 30 and 31 and 32 and 33 and 34 and 35 and 36 and 37 and 38 and 39 and 40 and 41 and 42 and 43 and 44 of player with air to do nothing
        make gui slot 13 of player with sunflower named "&d&lWine&6&lCoin" with lore "&6Miktar: &e%{coin.%player%}%" to close
        make gui slot 20 of player with gold block named "&6Coin &eMarket" with lore "&eTıklayarak coin market'e ulaşabilirsiniz." to run:
            close player's inventory
            open virtual chest with size 5 named "&d&lWine&6&lCoin" to player
            make gui slot 0 and 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and 5 and 6 and 7 and 8 and 9 and 10 and 11 and 12 and 13 and 14 and 15 and 16 and 17 and 18 and 19 and 21 and 23 and 25 and 26 and 27 and 28 and 29 and 30 and 31 and 32 and 33 and 34 and 35 and 36 and 37 and 38 and 39 and 40 and 41 and 42 and 43 and 44 of player with air to do nothing
            make gui slot 22 of player with diamond chestplate named "&cEdit Setler" with lore "&7Tıklayarak edit setler kategorisine geçebilirsiniz." to run:
                close player's inventory
                open virtual chest with size 5 named "&d&lWine&6&lCoin" to player
                make gui slot 0 and 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and 5 and 6 and 7 and 8 and 18 and 22 and 26 and 36 and 37 and 38 and 39 and 40 and 41 and 42 and 43 and 44 of player with air to do nothing
                make gui slot 19 of player with iron chestplate named "&2&lSuikast &f&lSet'i" with lore "&66500 Coin" to run:
                    close player's inventory
                    open virtual chest with size 3 named "&d&lWine&6&lCoin" to player
                    make gui slot 11 of player with stained hardened clay:5 named "&aKabul Ediyorum." to run:
                        close player's inventory
                        if {coin.%player%} is bigger than or equal to 6500:
                            remove 6500 from {coin.%player%}
                            give iron helmet of protection 8 and unbreaking 6 named "&2Suikast &f&lSet'i" to player
                            give iron chestplate of protection 8 and unbreaking 6 named "&2Suikast &f&lSet'i" to player
                            give iron leggings of protection 8 and unbreaking 6 named "&2Suikast &f&lSet'i" to player
                            give iron boots of protection 8 and unbreaking 6 named "&2Suikast &f&lSet'i" to player
                            give iron sword of sharpness 8 and unbreaking 6 named "&2Suikast &f&lSet'i" to player
                            send "&d&lOmega&b&lSecure &8• &cCoininiz yeterli değil!" to player
                    make gui slot 13 of player with sunflower named "&d&lWine&6&lCoin" with lore "&6Miktar: &e%{coin.%player%}%" to do nothing
                    make gui slot 15 of player with stained hardened clay:14 named "&cVazgeçtim." to run:
                        close player's inventory
                        execute player command "/coin"
                make gui slot 20 of player with iron chestplate named "&e&lPhoenix &f&lSet'i" with lore "&618200 Coin" to run:
                    close player's inventory
                    open virtual chest with size 3 named "&d&lWine&6&lCoin" to player
                    make gui slot 11 of player with stained hardened clay:5 named "&aKabul Ediyorum." to run:
                        close player's inventory
                        if {coin.%player%} is bigger than or equal to 18200:
                            remove 18200 from {coin.%player%}
                            give iron helmet of protection 13 and unbreaking 8 named "&e&lPhoenix &f&lSet'i" to player
                            give iron chestplate of protection 13 and unbreaking 8 named "&e&lPhoenix &f&lSet'i" to player
                            give iron leggings of protection 13 and unbreaking 8 named "&e&lPhoenix &f&lSet'i" to player
                            give iron boots of protection 13 and unbreaking 8 named "&e&lPhoenix &f&lSet'i" to player
                            give iron sword of sharpness 13 and unbreaking 8 named "&e&lPhoenix &f&lSet'i" to player
                            send "&d&lOmega&b&lSecure &8• &cCoininiz yeterli değil!" to player
                    make gui slot 13 of player with sunflower named "&d&lWine&6&lCoin" with lore "&6Miktar: &e%{coin.%player%}%" to do nothing
                    make gui slot 15 of player with stained hardened clay:14 named "&cVazgeçtim." to run:
                        close player's inventory
                        execute player command "/coin"
                make gui slot 21 of player with iron chestplate named "&b&lApex &f&lSet'i" with lore "&635000 Coin" to run:
                    close player's inventory
                    open virtual chest with size 3 named "&d&lWine&6&lCoin" to player
                    make gui slot 11 of player with stained hardened clay:5 named "&aKabul Ediyorum." to run:
                        close player's inventory
                        if {coin.%player%} is bigger than or equal to 35000:
                            remove 35000 from {coin.%player%}
                            give iron helmet of protection 18 and unbreaking 15 named "&b&lApex &f&lSet'i" to player
                            give iron chestplate of protection 18 and unbreaking 15 named "&b&lApex &f&lSet'i" to player
                            give iron leggings of protection 18 and unbreaking 15 named "&b&lApex &f&lSet'i" to player
                            give iron boots of protection 18 and unbreaking 15 named "&b&lApex &f&lSet'i" to player
                            give iron sword of sharpness 18 and unbreaking 15 named "&b&lApex &f&lSet'i" to player
                            send "&d&lOmega&b&lSecure &8• &cCoininiz yeterli değil!" to player
                    make gui slot 13 of player with sunflower named "&d&lWine&6&lCoin" with lore "&6Miktar: &e%{coin.%player%}%" to do nothing
                    make gui slot 15 of player with stained hardened clay:14 named "&cVazgeçtim." to run:
                        close player's inventory
                        execute player command "/coin"
                make gui slot 23 of player with diamond chestplate named "&b&lEp&3&lli&b&lson &f&lSet'i" with lore "&650000" to run:
                    close player's inventory
                    open virtual chest with size 3 named "&d&lWine&6&lCoin" to player
                    make gui slot 11 of player with stained hardened clay:5 named "&aKabul Ediyorum." to run:
                        close player's inventory
                        if {coin.%player%} is bigger than or equal to 50000:
                            remove 50000 from {coin.%player%}
                            give diamond helmet of protection 25 and unbreaking 21 named "&b&lEp&3&lli&b&lson &f&lSet'i" to player
                            give diamond chestplate of protection 25 and unbreaking 21 named "&b&lEp&3&lli&b&lson &f&lSet'i" to player
                            give diamond leggings of protection 25 and unbreaking 21 named "&b&lEp&3&lli&b&lson &f&lSet'i" to player
                            give diamond boots of protection 25 and unbreaking 21 named "&b&lEp&3&lli&b&lson &f&lSet'i" to player
                            give diamond sword of sharpness 25 and unbreaking 21 named "&b&lEp&3&lli&b&lson &f&lSet'i" to player
                            send "&d&lOmega&b&lSecure &8• &cCoininiz yeterli değil!" to player
                    make gui slot 13 of player with sunflower named "&d&lWine&6&lCoin" with lore "&6Miktar: &e%{coin.%player%}%" to do nothing
                    make gui slot 15 of player with stained hardened clay:14 named "&cVazgeçtim." to run:
                        close player's inventory
                        execute player command "/coin"
                make gui slot 24 of player with diamond chestplate named "&e&lKing &f&lSet'i" with lore "&685000" to run:
                    close player's inventory
                    open virtual chest with size 3 named "&d&lWine&6&lCoin" to player
                    make gui slot 11 of player with stained hardened clay:5 named "&aKabul Ediyorum." to run:
                        close player's inventory
                        if {coin.%player%} is bigger than or equal to 85000:
                            remove 85000 from {coin.%player%}
                            give diamond helmet of protection 35 and unbreaking 28 named "&e&lKing &f&lSet'i" to player
                            give diamond chestplate of protection 35 and unbreaking 28 named "&e&lKing &f&lSet'i" to player
                            give diamond leggings of protection 35 and unbreaking 28 named "&e&lKing &f&lSet'i" to player
                            give diamond boots of protection 35 and unbreaking 28 named "&e&lKing &f&lSet'i" to player
                            give diamond sword of sharpness 35 and unbreaking 28 named "&e&lKing &f&lSet'i" to player
                            send "&d&lOmega&b&lSecure &8• &cCoininiz yeterli değil!" to player
                    make gui slot 13 of player with sunflower named "&d&lWine&6&lCoin" with lore "&6Miktar: &e%{coin.%player%}%" to do nothing
                    make gui slot 15 of player with stained hardened clay:14 named "&cVazgeçtim." to run:
                        close player's inventory
                        execute player command "/coin"
                make gui slot 25 of player with diamond chestplate named "&d&lWine &f&lSet'i" with lore "&6150000" to run:
                    close player's inventory
                    open virtual chest with size 3 named "&d&lWine&6&lCoin" to player
                    make gui slot 11 of player with stained hardened clay:5 named "&aKabul Ediyorum." to run:
                        close player's inventory
                        if {coin.%player%} is bigger than or equal to 150000:
                            remove 150000 from {coin.%player%}
                            give diamond helmet of protection 50 and unbreaking 50 named "&d&lWine &f&lSet'i" to player
                            give diamond chestplate of protection 50 and unbreaking 50 named "&d&lWine &f&lSet'i" to player
                            give diamond leggings of protection 50 and unbreaking 50 named "&d&lWine &f&lSet'i" to player
                            give diamond boots of protection 50 and unbreaking 50 named "&d&lWine &f&lSet'i" to player
                            give diamond sword of sharpness 50 and unbreaking 50 named "&d&lWine &f&lSet'i" to player
                            send "&d&lOmega&b&lSecure &8• &cCoininiz yeterli değil!" to player
                    make gui slot 13 of player with sunflower named "&d&lWine&6&lCoin" with lore "&6Miktar: &e%{coin.%player%}%" to do nothing
                    make gui slot 15 of player with stained hardened clay:14 named "&cVazgeçtim." to run:
                        close player's inventory
                        execute player command "/coin"
                make gui slot 9 and 10 and 11 and 12 and 13 and 14 and 15 and 16 and 17 and 27 and 28 and 29 and 30 and 31 and 32 and 32 and 33 and 34 and 35 of player with stained glass pane:15 to do nothing
            make gui slot 20 of player with paper named "&cParalar" with lore "&7Tıklayarak paralar kategorisine geçebilirsiniz." to run:
                make gui slot 19 of player with paper named "&a500K$" to run:
                    close player's inventory
                    open virtual chest with size 3 named "&d&lWine&6&lCoin" to player
                    make gui slot 15 of player with stained hardened clay:5 named "&aKabul Ediyorum." to run:
                        close player's inventory
                        if {coin.%player%} is bigger than or equal to 1000:
                            add 500000 to player's balance
                            remove 1000 from {coin.%player%}
                            send "&d&lOmega&b&lSecure &8• &aBaşarıyla Edit Marketten 500K Para Satın Aldınız!" to player
                            send "&d&lOmega&b&lSecure &8• &cCoininiz yeterli değil!" to player
                    make gui slot 11 of player with stained hardened clay:14 named "&cVazgeçtim." to run:
                        close player's inventory
                        execute player command "/coin"
                make gui slot 20 of player with paper named "&a5M$" to run:
                    close player's inventory
                    open virtual chest with size 3 named "&d&lWine&6&lCoin" to player
                    make gui slot 15 of player with stained hardened clay:5 named "&aKabul Ediyorum." to run:
                        close player's inventory
                        if {coin.%player%} is bigger than or equal to 15000:
                            add 5000000 to player's balance
                            remove 15000 from {coin.%player%}
                            send "&d&lOmega&b&lSecure &8• &aBaşarıyla Edit Marketten 5M Para Satın Aldınız!" to player
                            send "&d&lWine&b&lNetwork &8• &cCoininiz yeterli değil!" to player
                    make gui slot 11 of player with stained hardened clay:14 named "&cVazgeçtim." to run:
                        close player's inventory
                        execute player command "/coin"
                make gui slot 21 of player with paper named "&a20M$" to run:
                    close player's inventory
                    open virtual chest with size 3 named "&d&lWine&6&lCoin" to player
                    make gui slot 15 of player with stained hardened clay:5 named "&aKabul Ediyorum." to run:
                        close player's inventory
                        if {coin.%player%} is bigger than or equal to 40000:
                            add 20000000 to player's balance
                            remove 40000 from {coin.%player%}
                            send "&d&lOmega&b&lSecure &8• &aBaşarıyla Edit Marketten 20M Para Satın Aldınız!" to player
                            send "&d&lOmega&b&lSecure &8• &cCoininiz yeterli değil!" to player
                    make gui slot 11 of player with stained hardened clay:14 named "&cVazgeçtim." to run:
                        close player's inventory
                        execute player command "/coin"
                make gui slot 23 of player with glowing paper named "&a40M$" to run:
                    close player's inventory
                    open virtual chest with size 3 named "&d&lWine&6&lCoin" to player
                    make gui slot 15 of player with stained hardened clay:5 named "&aKabul Ediyorum." to run:
                        close player's inventory
                        if {coin.%player%} is bigger than or equal to 60000:
                            add 40000000 to player's balance
                            remove 60000 from {coin.%player%}
                            send "&d&lOmega&b&lSecure &8• &aBaşarıyla Edit Marketten 40M Para Satın Aldınız!" to player
                            send "&d&lOmega&b&lSecure &8• &cCoininiz yeterli değil!" to player
                    make gui slot 11 of player with stained hardened clay:14 named "&cVazgeçtim." to run:
                        close player's inventory
                        execute player command "/coin"
                make gui slot 24 of player with glowing paper named "&a75M$" to run:
                    close player's inventory
                    open virtual chest with size 3 named "&d&lWine&6&lCoin" to player
                    make gui slot 15 of player with stained hardened clay:5 named "&aKabul Ediyorum." to run:
                        close player's inventory
                        if {coin.%player%} is bigger than or equal to 95000:
                            add 75000000 to player's balance
                            remove 95000 from {coin.%player%}
                            send "&d&lOmega&b&lSecure &8• &aBaşarıyla Edit Marketten 75M Para Satın Aldınız!" to player
                            send "&d&lOmega&b&lSecure &8• &cCoininiz yeterli değil!" to player
                    make gui slot 11 of player with stained hardened clay:14 named "&cVazgeçtim." to run:
                        close player's inventory
                        execute player command "/coin"
                make gui slot 25 of player with glowing paper named "&a100M$" to run:
                    close player's inventory
                    open virtual chest with size 3 named "&d&lWine&6&lCoin" to player
                    make gui slot 15 of player with stained hardened clay:5 named "&aKabul Ediyorum." to run:
                        close player's inventory
                        if {coin.%player%} is bigger than or equal to 120000:
                            add 100000000 to player's balance
                            remove 120000 from {coin.%player%}
                            send "&d&lOmega&b&lSecure &8• &aBaşarıyla Edit Marketten 100M Para Satın Aldınız!" to player
                            send "&d&lOmega&b&lSecure &8• &cCoininiz yeterli değil!" to player
                    make gui slot 11 of player with stained hardened clay:14 named "&cVazgeçtim." to run:
                        close player's inventory
                        execute player command "/coin"
                make gui slot 9 and 10 and 11 and 12 and 13 and 14 and 15 and 16 and 17 and 27 and 28 and 29 and 30 and 31 and 32 and 32 and 33 and 34 and 35 of player with stained glass pane:15 to do nothing
            make gui slot 24 of player with diamond pickaxe named "&cEdit Kazmalar" with lore "&7Tıklayarak edit kılıçlar kategorisine geçebilirsiniz." to run:
                close player's inventory
                open virtual chest with size 5 named "&d&lWine&6&lCoin" to player
                make gui slot 19 of player with diamond pickaxe named "&eEdit Kazma &6Sv.1" with lore "&610500" to run:
                    close player's inventory
                    open virtual chest with size 3 named "&d&lWine&6&lCoin" to player
                    make gui slot 11 of player with stained hardened clay:5 named "&aKabul Ediyorum." to run:
                        close player's inventory
                        if {coin.%player%} is bigger than or equal to 10500:
                            give diamond pickaxe of efficiency 8 and unbreaking 6 named "&eEdit Kazma &6Sv.1" to player
                            remove 10500 from {coin.%player%}
                            send "&d&lOmega&b&lSecure &8• &cCoininiz yeterli değil!" to player
                    make gui slot 15 of player with stained hardened clay:14 named "&cVazgeçtim." to run:
                        close player's inventory
                        execute player command "/coin"
                make gui slot 20 of player with diamond pickaxe named "&eEdit Kazma &6Sv.2" with lore "&625600" to run:
                    close player's inventory
                    open virtual chest with size 3 named "&d&lWine&6&lCoin" to player
                    make gui slot 11 of player with stained hardened clay:5 named "&aKabul Ediyorum." to run:
                        close player's inventory
                        if {coin.%player%} is bigger than or equal to 25600:
                            give diamond pickaxe of efficiency 13 and unbreaking 8 named "&eEdit Kazma &6Sv.2" to player
                            remove 25600 from {coin.%player%}
                            send "&d&lOmega&b&lSecure &8• &cCoininiz yeterli değil!" to player
                    make gui slot 15 of player with stained hardened clay:14 named "&cVazgeçtim." to run:
                        close player's inventory
                        execute player command "/coin"
                make gui slot 21 of player with diamond pickaxe named "&eEdit Kazma &6Sv.3" with lore "&638600" to run:
                    close player's inventory
                    open virtual chest with size 3 named "&d&lWine&6&lCoin" to player
                    make gui slot 11 of player with stained hardened clay:5 named "&aKabul Ediyorum." to run:
                        close player's inventory
                        if {coin.%player%} is bigger than or equal to 38600:
                            give diamond pickaxe of efficiency 18 and unbreaking 14 named "&eEdit Kazma &6Sv.3" to player
                            remove 38600 from {coin.%player%}
                            send "&d&lOmega&b&lSecure &8• &cCoininiz yeterli değil!" to player
                    make gui slot 15 of player with stained hardened clay:14 named "&cVazgeçtim." to run:
                        close player's inventory
                        execute player command "/coin"
                make gui slot 23 of player with glowing diamond pickaxe named "&eEdit Kazma &6Sv.4" with lore "&650000" to run:
                    close player's inventory
                    open virtual chest with size 3 named "&d&lWine&6&lCoin" to player
                    make gui slot 11 of player with stained hardened clay:5 named "&aKabul Ediyorum." to run:
                        close player's inventory
                        if {coin.%player%} is bigger than or equal to 50000:
                            give diamond pickaxe of efficiency 24 and unbreaking 18 named "&eEdit Kazma &6Sv.4" to player
                            remove 50000 from {coin.%player%}
                            send "&d&lOmega&b&lSecure &8• &cCoininiz yeterli değil!" to player
                    make gui slot 15 of player with stained hardened clay:14 named "&cVazgeçtim." to run:
                        close player's inventory
                        execute player command "/coin"
                make gui slot 24 of player with glowing diamond pickaxe named "&eEdit Kazma &6Sv.5" with lore "&682600" to run:
                    close player's inventory
                    open virtual chest with size 3 named "&d&lWine&6&lCoin" to player
                    make gui slot 11 of player with stained hardened clay:5 named "&aKabul Ediyorum." to run:
                        close player's inventory
                        if {coin.%player%} is bigger than or equal to 82600:
                            give diamond pickaxe of efficiency 32 and unbreaking 24 named "&eEdit Kazma &6Sv.5" to player
                            remove 82600 from {coin.%player%}
                            send "&d&lOmega&b&lSecure &8• &cCoininiz yeterli değil!" to player
                    make gui slot 15 of player with stained hardened clay:14 named "&cVazgeçtim." to run:
                        close player's inventory
                        execute player command "/coin"
                make gui slot 25 of player with glowing diamond pickaxe named "&eEdit Kazma &6Sv.6" with lore "&6100000" to run:
                    close player's inventory
                    open virtual chest with size 3 named "&d&lWine&6&lCoin" to player
                    make gui slot 11 of player with stained hardened clay:5 named "&aKabul Ediyorum." to run:
                        close player's inventory
                        if {coin.%player%} is bigger than or equal to 100000:
                            give diamond pickaxe of efficiency 50 and unbreaking 50 named "&eEdit Kazma &6Sv.Son" to player
                            remove 100000 from {coin.%player%}
                            send "&d&lOmega&b&lSecure &8• &cCoininiz yeterli değil!" to player
                    make gui slot 15 of player with stained hardened clay:14 named "&cVazgeçtim." to run:
                        close player's inventory
                        execute player command "/coin"
                make gui slot 0 and 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and 5 and 6 and 7 and 8 and 18 and 22 and 26 and 36 and 37 and 38 and 39 and 40 and 41 and 42 and 43 and 44 of player with air to do nothing
                make gui slot 9 and 10 and 11 and 12 and 13 and 14 and 15 and 16 and 17 and 27 and 28 and 29 and 30 and 31 and 32 and 32 and 33 and 34 and 35 of player with stained glass pane:15 to do nothing
        make gui slot 24 of player with mossy cobble stone named "&6/warp edit" with lore "&eTıklayarak /warp edit'e ışınlanabilirsiniz." to run:
            close player's inventory
            open virtual chest with size 3 named "&d&lWine&6&lCoin" to player
            make gui slot 15 of player with mossy cobble stone named "&6/warp yosunlutas" with lore "&eTıklayarak edit'e gidebilirsiniz. &8(x64 = 64 Coin)" to run:
                close player's inventory
                execute player command "/warp yosunlutas"
            make gui slot 11 of player with obsidian named "&6/warp obsidyen" with lore "&eTıklayarak edit'e gidebilirsiniz. &8(x64 = 128 Coin)" to run:
                close player's inventory
                execute player command "/warp obsidyen"
            make gui slot 13 of player with sunflower named "&cGeri Dön" with lore "&8Tıklayarak coin menüsüne geri dönebilirsiniz." to run:
                close player's inventory
                execute player command "/coin"

command /coinsifirla [<player>]:
    permission: sk.coinadmin
    permission message: &b&lOmega-&f&lSecure &8• &cYetkiniz yeterli değil!
        if arg 1 is not set:
            send "&b&lOmega-&f&lSecure &8• &cKomutu yanlış girdiniz! Lütfen bir isim belirtin." to player
        if arg 1 is set:
            set {coin.%arg 1%} to 0
            send "&b&lOmega-&f&lSecure &8• &7Başarıyla &c%arg 1% &7adlı oyuncunun &6coinleri &7sıfırlandı." to player
            send "&b&lOmega-&f&lSecure &8• &6Coin &7hesabınız yetkili tarafından sıfırlandı." to arg 1

command /coinver [<player>] [<int>]:
    permission: sk.coinadmin
    permission message: &b&lOmega-&f&lSecure &8• &cYetkiniz yeterli değil!
        if arg 1 is not set:
            send "&b&lOmega-&f&lSecure &8• &cKomutu yanlış girdiniz! Lütfen bir isim ve sayı belirtin." to player
        if arg 1 is set:
            if arg 2 is set:
                add arg 2 to {coin.%arg 1%}
                send "&b&lOmega-&f&lSecure &8• &7Başarıyla &c%arg 1% &7adlı oyuncuya &6%arg 2% &7coin verildi." to player
                send "&b&lOmega-&f&lSecure &8• &7Hesabınıza yetkili tarafından &6%arg 2% &7miktarında coin yatırıldı." to arg 1

command /omega-secure [<text>]:
    aliases: os,o-s,omega-s,omegas
    permission: serverguard.admin
    permission message: &b&lOMEGA-&f&lSECURE
        if arg 1 is not set:
            send "&8&m--------------------------"
            send "      &b&lOMEGA-&f&lSECURE"
            send ""
            send "&7/omega-secure plus: &cReklam Koruması Hakkında Bilgiler Edinirsiniz."
            send ""
            send "&7/omega-secure küfür: &cKüfür Koruması Hakkında Bilgiler Edinirsiniz."
            send ""
            send "&7/omega-secure help: &cOmega-Secure Menüsünü Açarsınız."
            send ""
            send "&8&m--------------------------"
        if arg 1 is "plus":
            open virtual chest with size 3 named "&b&lOmega-&f&lSecure" to player
            make gui slot 13 of player with sea lantern named "&b&lOmega-&f&lSecure &6&lPlus+ &7Nedir?" with lore "&7Omega-Secure Plus+ Aslında Omega-Secure'nin Reklam Korumasıdır.||&7Sunucunuzu IP Adreslerinden Korur.||&7Oyuncular chat'e ip adresi/site atamaz." to do nothing
            make gui slot 11 of player with stained hardened clay:5 named "&aAktifleştir." with lore "&7Tıklayarak &b&lOMEGA-&f&lSECURE &6Plus+ &7'yı Etkinleştirebilirsiniz." to run:
                if {serverguard.osplus} is true:
                    send "&b&lOMEGA-&f&lSECURE &6&lPlus+ &8• &bOmega-&lSecure &6&lPlus+ &7Zaten Aktif Durumda!"
                if {serverguard.osplus} is false:
                    close player's inventory
                    set {serverguard.osplus} to true
                    send "&b&lOMEGA-&f&lSECURE &6&lPlus+ &8• &b&lOmega-&f&lSecure Plus+ Başarıyla Aktifleştirildi!" to player
            make gui slot 15 of player with stained hardened clay:14 named "&cDeaktifleştir." with lore "&7Tıklayarak Omega-Secure Plus+ 'yı Deaktifleştirebilirsiniz.||&8(&cÖnerilmez&8)" to run:
                if {serverguard.osplus} is false:
                    send "&b&lOMEGA-&f&lSECURE &6&lPlus+ &8• &b&lOmega-&f&lSecure Plus+ Zaten Aktif Değil!"
                if {serverguard.osplus} is true:
                    close player's inventory
                    set {serverguard.osplus} to false
                    send "&b&lOMEGA-&f&lSECURE &6&lPlus+ &8• &b&lOmega-&f&lSecure Plus+ Başarıyla Deaktifleştirildi." to player
        if arg 1 is "küfür":
            send "&b&lOMEGA-&f&lSECURE &8• &7Küfür koruması otomatik olarak aktiftir. Kullanım: /serverguard küfür ekle <ekleyeceğiniz küfür/yasaklı kelime>" to player

command /serverguard [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]:
    aliases: server-guard
    permission: serverguard.admin
    permission message: &b&lOMEGA-&f&lSECURE &8• &cYetkiniz yeterli değil!
        set {serverguard.oskufur} to true
        if arg 1 is not set:
            if arg 2 is not set:
                if arg 3 is not set:
                    send "&b&lOMEGA-&f&lSECURE &8• &cKomutu yanlış girdiniz!" to player
        if arg 1 is set:
            if arg 2 is set:
                if arg 3 is set:
                    if arg 3 contains {kufur::%arg-3%}:
                        send "&b&lOMEGA-&f&lSECURE &8• &c%{kufur::%arg 3%}% &7zaten var!" to player
                        set {kufur::%arg-3%} to arg 3
                        send "&b&lOMEGA-&f&lSECURE &8• &c%{kufur::%arg 3%}% &7başarıyla küfürler listesine eklendi!" to player

command /oscheck:
    permission: serverguard.admin
    permission message: &b&lOMEGA-&f&lSECURE &8• &cYetkiniz yeterli değil!
        if {serverguard.oskufur} is false:
            send "&b&lOMEGA-&f&lSECURE &8• &cFatal Error! &7[&8c0x10000000000&7]" to player
        if {serverguard.oskufur} is true:
            send "&b&lOMEGA-&f&lSECURE &8• &bSunucu Küfür Koruması Aktif!" to player
            send "&bSistemler Kontrol Ediliyor.." to player
            wait 2 seconds
            send "&b&lOMEGA-&f&lSECURE &8• &cFatal Error! &7[&8c0x20000000000&7]" to player

on chat:
    if {serverguard.osplus} is true:
        if message contains "com" or "net" or "192." or "192.168." or "nitrado" or "axitrbilisim" or "axitrbilişim" or "batihost" or "keyubu" or ".tk" or ".ml" or "N itrado" or "N i t rado" or "N i trado" or "Ni t r a do" or "N i t r a d o" or "N.itrado" or "N.i.t.r.a.d.o" or "N.i.trado" or "N.i.t.rado" or "N.i.t.r.a.do" or "N. itrado" or "N. i t r a d o" or "N. i. t r a d o" or "N. i. t. r. a. d. o." or "N i. t r a d o" or "N. itrado" or "N. i trado" or "N. i t rado" or "N. i t r ado" or "N. i t r a d o" or "B a t i h o s t" or "Nit.rado" or "K e y u b u" or "Key ubu" or "Keyu bu" or "K e y u b u" or "K.e.y.u.b.u" or "K.eyubu" or "K.e.yubu" or "K.e.y.ubu" or "K.e.y.u.bu" or "K.e.y.u.b.u" or "Ke.yubu":
            cancel event
            send "&b&lOMEGA-&f&lSECURE &8• &cLütfen sunucumuzda reklam yapmayınız!" to player

on chat:
    if message contains {kufur::%message%}:
        cancel event
        send "&b&lOMEGA-&f&lSECURE &8• &cLütfen küfür etmeyiniz!" to player

on break of mossy cobble stone:
    set event-block to air
    cancel event
    give event-block to player
    if player has 64 mossy cobble stone:
        remove 64 mossy cobble stone from player
        send "&d&lWine&b&lNetwork &8• &eHesabınıza &664 &etane &6coin &eyatırıldı." to player
        add 64 to {coin.%player%}

on break of obsidian:
    set event-block to air
    cancel event
    give event-block to player
    if player has 64 obsidian:
        remove 64 obsidian from player
        send "&d&lWine&b&lNetwork &8• &eHesabınıza &6128 &etane &6coin &eyatırıldı." to player
        add 128 to {coin.%player%}


Gerekli Pluginler:


bu skript sayesinde /help,/pl,/plugins gibi komutlar yasaklanılabiliyor.
Ayrıca lütfen benden izinsiz biryerlerde paylaşmayın 5 saat uğraştım ^^.


:: /yardım ::
bu komut sayesinde oyuncular oyun hakkında bilgili olabileceklerdir.
GUI Desteğiyle Beraber Dahada Güzelleştirilmiştir.
Gerçekten çok yararlı bir skripttir.

:: /profil ::

bu komut sayesinde sanki bir mod gibi profilinizi görüntüleyebiliyorsunuz!
Profilin içinde fareyi kafanıza getirirseniz kendiniz hakkında bilgi edinebilirsiniz!
Coin gibi

:: /ihlal ::

bu komut aslında çok fazla önemli birşey değil, sunucu küfür korumasıyla ilgili fakat
içinde küfür içerdiği için skriptin içinden kaldırmak zorunda kaldım.
Bu komut biri küfür edince kişiye kural ihlali veriyor. Limiti 3
Eğer limiti aşarsa oyuncu mute yiyor.

:: /saygı ::

bu komut oyuncular için gerçekten kullanışlı olabilir.
Çünkü oyuncular birbirlerine saygı gösterebiliyor.
Fakat ben buna limit koydum.
Oyuncular max 3 kişiye respect verebiliyor.
İsterseniz siz kaldırabilirsiniz!

:: /sohbet ::

bu komut sohbeti açıp kapatmaya yarıyor.
eğer '/sohbet aç' ya da '/sohbet ac' yazarsanız
sunucunun sohbetini açar.
Ama ilk önce sohbetin kapalı olması lazım.
Eğer kapalı değilse sohbet zaten açık diye mesaj alırsınız.
eğer '/sohbet kapat' yazarsanız
sunucunun sohbetini kapatırsınız.
Ve hiç kimse chate yazamaz.

:: /coin ::

bu şuanda omega-secure'un en büyük skripti
eğer oyuncu /coin yazarsa bir menü ile karşılaşır
menüde coin miktarı / warp coin ışınlanma menüsü
ve coin market menüsü var.
Coin menüsü neden en büyük skripti diyorsanız,
içindeki herşey tamamen hazır durumda.
İsterseniz editleyebilirsiniz size kalmış.

:: /omega-secure ::

skriptin ana komutu.
reklam korumasını aktifleştirmek için bu komutu kullanın.
diğer komutlar hakkında bilgi edinmek isterseniz oyun içinden

:: /serverguard ::

küfür korumasını aktifleştirmek için kullanılan komut budur.
asıl komut şöyle idir:
/serverguard küfür ekle <ekleyeceğiniz küfür/yasaklı kelime>

:: Nedir bu Omega-Secure? ::

Omega Secure aslında bir sunucu korumasıdır.
Tamamen Omega Ekibi Tarafından Kodlanmış Yep Yeni Bir Skripttir.
Omega-Secure Reklamları/Küfürleri Engelleyebilen Bir Skripttir.
Ve Omega Secure Hala Geliştirilmektedir.

:: Omega-Secure Güncellendi! ::
Güncelleme Notları:

Küfür Koruması/Reklam Koruması Sistemleri eklendi!
Yetkisiz olan komutlar yetkilendirildi!
Local komutları eklendi!

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